
In 2008 work began, literally from the ground up, on the space I occupy as my studio at Lowe Mill A&E. The Railroad Room 8 was rotten and collapsing so it was bulldozed and rebuilt from the ground up. I was granted occupancy in 2009 and since that time have been working in and on that studio. In a sense, the studio itself is a work in progress.

Among other things, I sculpt figures in clay and cast them in bronze. Casting a sculpture in bronze or other metals is a way to make permanent a sculpture conceived in clay. To do so, a mold is made of the clay original from which a wax copy is made. That wax is prepared and then encased or invested inside a refractory mold and then put in a kiln and baked at 1000* or more to burn away any trace of the wax. That leaves a cavity where the metal is poured. It’s a hot, nasty job but if you’re fascinated with an intense fire, nothing beats casting metal.