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Roxie Veasey – One Clover and a Bee

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July 31 - September 28

First Floor Ramp Gallery

This exhibition round includes works provided by Roxie Veasey which will be on view in the First Floor Ramp Gallery from July 31 – September 28, 2024.  Lowe Mill A&E invites patrons and art lovers to join us for Open Studio Night, a building-wide experience when our over 150 studios will be open to the public.  The evening also includes receptions for all seven of our gallery spaces. This series gives the public a chance to meet and interact with visiting artists and discuss their work as it is on display and available for purchase. Come out, enjoy a pleasant evening, and maybe you’ll find that special piece of art that speaks to you!  The Open Studio Night reception is Saturday, September 28 from 5-7 pm.


About the exhibit:

My work starts from memory, sensations, and my interactions with the natural world. As I add and subtract images, marks, and color, I let each piece become an “open-ended system” that develops its own identity through my eye and hand. Like nature, the images and materials interact with each other. They play, sometimes violently, overwhelm, engulf and contain each other, and are changed by their relationships. They make gestures and tell stories that seem almost human but, of course, are not.


About the artist:

Roxie Suzanne Veasey grew up in a small cow town in south-central Florida where she hung out with a lot of alligators, frogs, and mosquitoes. After surviving a childhood chased by roosters, being knocked over by cows, and falling off horses she went on to receive her BA from the University of South Florida and her MFA from the University of Georgia. Her work has been shown through-out the southeast US. She currently lives in Huntsville, Alabama, and is a lecturer at the Art, Art History and Design department of the University of Alabama in Huntsville.



To find the the gallery in Lowe Mill A&E, click MORE INFO below (Tickets are NOT required.)