May 11, 2024 @ 3:00 pm - 4:00 pm
First Floor Main Gallery
Please join us in the First Floor Main Gallery of Lowe Mill ARTS & Entertainment on Saturday, May 11 at 3pm for a live musical performance from Etowah Youth Orchestras.
The Etowah Youth Orchestras was founded in October of 1990 to complement the established strings program in the Gadsden City Schools by offering beginning strings in selected Etowah County and Attalla City Schools; to establish an intermediate string orchestra and an advanced full orchestra; and to offer and promote private string instruction in Etowah County, Alabama. The mission of the Etowah Youth Orchestras is to provide the students of Northeast Alabama with major musical and educational experiences through training, development, and performance.
Under the direction of Music Director and Conductor Michael R. Gagliardo, the Orchestras have presented concerts throughout the United States and abroad, including Carnegie Hall in New York City (three appearances, in 2002, 2007, & 2015); the Lincoln Center in New York City; the Millennium Stage at the Kennedy Center in Washington, DC (in a performance which was broadcast live over the internet, and is archived at the Kennedy Center’s Millennium Stage website); Manston and Stratford-Upon-Avon in England; San Jose, San Ramon, Orotina, and Jaco in Costa Rica; Ponce, Guayanilla, and San Juan in Puerto Rico; Chicago; St. Louis; New Orleans; Philadelphia; New Haven; and Boston. The ensembles have also performed for Jacksonville State University’s Kaleidoscope Arts Series; the Alabama Music Educators Association Conference; the American Honor Orchestra Conference at the University of Southern Mississippi; the Arts Advocacy Day Conference in Washington, DC; the ASTA National Conference; and the Rock And Roll Hall Of Fame And Museum’s summer teacher’s institute.