Dan Tabb – Uncomfortable Vessels

May 29, 2024 - July 27, 2024
First Floor Main Gallery
This exhibition round includes works provided by Dan Tabb which will be on view in the First Floor Main Gallery from May 29 – July 27, 2024. Lowe Mill A&E invites patrons and art lovers to join us for Open Studio Night, a building-wide experience when our over 150 studios will be open to the public. The evening also includes receptions for all seven of our gallery spaces. This series gives the public a chance to meet and interact with visiting artists and discuss their work as it is on display and available for purchase. Come out, enjoy a pleasant evening, and maybe you’ll find that special piece of art that speaks to you! The Open Studio Night reception is Saturday, July 27 from 5-7 pm.
About the exhibit:
I create two main themes in my work.
One is that I don’t sculpt people…I sculpt emotions.
The second is a Collection of Uncomfortable Vessels.
We are all just a collection of uncomfortable vessels that carry around our light, our dark, our essence, our mind, and our soul. This collection is a representation of our bodies: those fallible, fleshy meat suits that we guide around hoping to not get injured; as well as the aspirational purity we wish they would be.
They represent hope and fear and loss and joy – not one of them is very comfortable to take a drink from, but worth it if you can.
About the artist:
I was born in California, but I was reared mostly in Alabama after relocating multiple times throughout the Midwest and South. After high school, I spent seven years in the US Navy. Those seven years took me around the world and back. This was the most formative time of my life as an artist: traveling all over, meeting new people and cultures, touring the great cities of Europe, the Middle East, and Africa gave me a unique perspective on what art is and an equally unique approach to presenting that perspective.
I spent the last ten years working in leather, paper, and occasionally clay. It was a finally-realized trip for my bride to New York City and the Big Five museums that focused my will. I picked up a hammer and chisel, some riffers and a rotary tool, got myself some soapstone and alabaster, and taught myself how to sculpt.
It was my daughter who actually gave a name for the style I was unknowingly following: Brutalism. It made sense, it fit. I have been a man in the wrong century for most of my life, so why not carry that style from the 20th into my sculpture.
To find the the gallery in Lowe Mill A&E, click MORE INFO below (Tickets are NOT required.)