Julianna Carter and Tania Scroggie | Studio 324 | CandleLight Global America Art Studio and Gallery


Julianna Carter and Tania Scroggie of CandleLight Academy of Arts and Culture, founded in 2013, aim to cultivate the highest form of art: the self-creator. It serves as a nurturing garden where students, like seeds, receive the best care to bloom into their fullest potential. CandleLight’s artists and staff are committed to their own growth and learning, ensuring they offer their best to students and the community. Students are immersed in a rich philosophical legacy of beauty, guided to harness their inner potential, and equipped to create, share, and preserve knowledge, becoming both witnesses and innovators of our times.

Since 2001, Julianna Carter has been working as an abstract impressionist. She holds that to glimpse into someone’s soul, you should hand them a paintbrush and a palette.

“ The creative process, whichever shape it takes, is our inheritance in connection to the divine and highest in us.” - Tania Scroggie

“Creativity is the process by which imagination or original ideas are stimulated to create something new or modify something existent… The creative mind is like a seed, the more it is watered, the more it grows.” - Julianna Carter

2018 | Cultural Grant by the Arts Council | Monterey County, CA

2018 | Certificate of Recognition for Improving the Life of Everyone | Monterey, CA