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Cheryl Busick – 12

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October 2 - November 23

First Floor Ramp Gallery

This exhibition round includes works provided by Cheryl Busick which will be on view in the First Floor Ramp Gallery from October 2 – November 23 2024.  Lowe Mill A&E invites patrons and art lovers to join us for Open Studio Night, a building-wide experience when our over 150 studios will be open to the public.  The evening also includes receptions for all seven of our gallery spaces. This series gives the public a chance to meet and interact with visiting artists and discuss their work as it is on display and available for purchase. Come out, enjoy a pleasant evening, and maybe you’ll find that special piece of art that speaks to you!  The Open Studio Night reception is Saturday, November 23 from 5-7 pm.


About the exhibit:

A lot of things I liked at the age of twelve, I still like.  It seemed like the sun was always shining. I still climbed trees and dreamed of horses. Fall with its deep colors and cool air was my favorite season and October brought my favorite holiday. Halloween. I have a soft spot for monsters.  I sought out stories of valor, courage and strength in books, poems, songs, folktales and movies.

Using relief and intaglio printmaking methods as the bones, I tried  building up some of my favorite childhood influences with collages of multiple images( one of the great advantages of printmaking )and then experiments with color  and with paint/ stains and ink often morphed the original ideas. I’m pretty happy with the results.


About the artist:

I was 12 years old, on the darker side of the 1970’s when I was tapped for the New York State pilot program for the gifted and talented. I was given a mentor and allowed to explore in-depth all the arts provided in the Jr and Sr High school.

After high school I met with mostly disappointing experiences in pursuing the fine arts so I kept what talents I had in my back pocket, taking them out occasionally and adding skills whenever possible all while living pretty full life.

Now my life is not so full and I feel free to devote an honest effort in being an artist.  I have a working studio and retail shop on the quiet third floor here at LoweMill ARTS & Entertainment #315 Angry Couch Club Studio- juried in as a printmaker.

I found a deep respect for printmaking. A great deal of focus and discipline are required for traditional print editions. I try to do that occasionally. The rest of the time I like playing with an image, seeing what variables can enhance or improve it using skills from another methods and mediums.  Some things work, some do not but it’s fun to be able to work the ideas out.

Instagram: @busickcheryl


To find the the gallery in Lowe Mill A&E, click MORE INFO below (Tickets are NOT required.)